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  • Writer's picturemmerickel9

Here Is The Plan For Our Next Steps

This is not done. The City should lift the temporary suspension and honor the vote that has already passed the backyard hen ordinance. It is ridiculous that we have to organize and invest so much energy into getting our City Council to listen to us and represent us; especially because we have already been successful. The community is paying attention to our topic. Not only is backyard hens important, but our elected officials ethically representing us is now being watched.

Patty Gray, newly elected Councilwoman of Ward 6, is the key. I reached out to her when she was first elected. I shared our videos with her of actual Bakersfield residents with backyard hens so she could see how healthy, safe, and appropriate hens are as a family pet. She responded with, "I believe I have enough information at this time."

Here is her contact information.

978-4183 (cell)

837-1117 (work - DreamMaker Bath & Kitchen)

834-4943 (office)

Many of you have told me that you are communicating with her. She replaced Councilwoman Sullivan who is respected and has listened to her community for years. Mrs. Sullivan has represented Ward 6 and is in touch with their values, beliefs and priorities. She has a mindset of saying "yes" when a request is reasonable and for promoting family values. Newly elected Councilwoman Gray should honor Councilwoman Sullivan's vote that represented Ward 6 views on backyard hens. To hold Councilwoman Gray accountable you will need to tell her that you expect her to honor former Councilwoman Sullivan's vote. Start with her cell phone and keep calling until she responds and listens to you. She asked for your vote and you elected her with the understanding that the work had already been done for the backyard hen ordinance. Do not let her take that away from you.

Starting at Stockdale Hwy going south on Ashe Rd and New Stine Rd. is where the north section of Ward 6 begins. Head south down Ashe Rd to Half Moon Dr and work your way west over to Gosford Rd. Ward 6 continues south to Bannister. Now, back at the north end, head down New Stine Rd off of Stockdale Hwy and work your way east to Wible Rd mostly by Belle Terrace Rd. Turn south on Wible Rd until you hit Pacheco Rd, then Stine Rd, and then Romero Rd (always moving south and west). At the south end of Ward 6 it is a little messy, but the map will clarify it for you.

You should use the contact information that I organized from my recent post to contact everyone - all council members.

HOWEVER, contact newly elected Councilwoman Gray first and often. She is the key to February 3rd's Council meeting. She is on the hot seat. The community is watching for her decision. She ought to honor the respected and loved Councilwoman Sullivan's vote. And, she ought to listen to the Ward 6 community, like Councilwoman Sullivan did, and vote to lift the temporary suspension on the passed ordinance to allow for legal protect for hen ownership (with the safeguards and restrictions of a debated and discussed ordinance).

I am also asking that you design a half sheet flier that has Councilwoman Gray and Ward 6 residents as the audience. Send the fliers to me. I will select the best one. I have a Go Fund Me account on the webpage. I have approximately $50 remaining from previous donations. Let's raise an addition 2 to 3 hundred more dollars for printing, distribution, and other possible costs. You will find the Go Fund Me link at the top right corner of the webpage.

Hopefully some of our contacts, community groups, and individuals will reach out to me and be willing to walk Ward 6 this weekend to let the residents know about the important decision that newly elected Councilwoman Gray will be making on February 3rd. We might even be able to target a few businesses located in Ward 6 that have a lot of traffic. Contact me if you can help organize something like this. Ward 6 can let newly elected Councilwoman Gray know hat they expect her to vote for backyard hens. Contact me if you are passionate and capable of assisting with the organization. Grassroot movements shape policy, not unidentified anonymous groups who threaten the City with unwarranted lawsuits.

Many of you have been asking about counter lawsuits. Many of you have indicated that you are willing to donate to the cost of such lawsuits. Thank you. We are investigating all options available to us that will hold our government accountable to honor the passed, but temporarily suspended, ordinance. This Council has options other than rescinding the ordinance. And, those options make much more sense for our City. Continue to private message me or reach me at regarding interest or details this topic.

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